Saturday, May 23, 2020


Ethical and Socially Responsive Business The Cheese Cake Factory is the restaurant I chose to evaluate when it comes to the code of ethical conduct. The code of ethical conduct is essential when it comes to running a business. In order for the company to be successful, they must carefully address problems and behaviors within the company that might affect the company. The code of conduct is crucial when it comes to the human aspect of the company. For the company’s success, they must follow and implement employees to track the code of conduct. The code of conduct is a crucial part when it comes to running a business. The Cheese Cake Factory Code of Ethics informs their directors, executives, financial officers, and employees the laws and†¦show more content†¦It is important that the customers’ needs are met so they will want to come back. Customer service is very important. They want their customers to feel valued and satisfied with their services. It is important that the staff do everything to keep customers satisfied, also preventing any issues that will hurt their business. To ensure all staff follows the codes and procedures in their code of ethic and business conduct, they should regularly implement the rules. I believe all levels of staff should set standards and obligations that need to be fulfilled by the company. Higher levels of staff should set the examples for all staff members, that way they can lead by example. They should offer perks, bonuses, certificates, or higher positions for staff that follow procedures and guidelines. I believe that will help staff to be more motivated to follow and abide by proper procedures and protocol. Having the Code of Ethic and Business Conduct helps a business follow guidelines, rules, and regulations, which helps the business run smooth and effectively while gaining profits and customers. Code of Ethic and Business Conduct also helps and guides all staff to implement the rules in their everyday work habits. It is important that the code of ethic to be followed to prevent wrongdoing that can affect the business. The Cheese Cake Factory can engage in socially responsible activities in the community by donating goods, money, or services toShow MoreRelatedCase Studies67624 Words   |  271 Pageseffective case analysis well as your instructor’s facilitation of learning. However, the primary responsibility for learning is yours. The quality of case discussion is generally acknowledged to require, at a minimum, a thorough mastery of case facts and some independent analysis of them. The case method therefore first requires that you read and think carefully about each case. Additional comments about the preparation you should complete to successfully discuss a case appear in the next sectionRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesCongress Control Number: 2006933904 Student Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-495-11873-2 ISBN-10: 0-495-11873-7 ââ€"   To my nephews, Jesse and Luke Smidt, who bet I wouldn’t put their names in this book. R. P. ââ€"   To my wife, Sally, and my daughter, Anna C. O. ââ€"   To Carol, Allie, and Teri. J. D. ââ€"   About the Authors puter Teacher of the Year award in 1988 and received the Siemens Award for Advanced Placement in mathematics in 1999. Chris is a frequent contributor to the AP Statistics ElectronicRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagessatisfying consumers wants at a profit and in a socially responsible manner. Marketing is not limited to business. Whenever you try to persuade somebody to do something you are engaging in marketing. Thus marketing has a broad societal meaning. In fact, the societal view is more truly descriptive of marketing today. Moreover, modern business marketing activities are to a large extent, a consequence of the societal view of marketing. The essence of marketing is a transaction, an exchange intendedRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pageshuge quantities of information about products and brands. They also can affect customers confidence in the purchase decision (due to either past-use experience or familiarity with the brand and it s characteristics). Potentially more important is the fact that both perceived quality and brand associations can enhance customers satisfaction with the use experience. Knowing that a piece of jewellery came from Tiffany can affect the experience of wearing it: The user can actually feel different. Providing

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