Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Main Factors That Contributed Into Why The Jacobites...

Jacobites were the supporters of the king James VII of Scotland and king James II of England ruled over Britain from 1685 – 1689 because he was roman catholic he was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband. Jacobites rising 1715 and 1745 was Charles Edward Stewart attempting to regain the British and Scottish throne, there were several attempts of returning the Stuarts to the throne but the closest to succeeding was between 1715and 1745. The essay will look at the numerous factors that contributed into why the Jacobites cause failed. The 1715 and 1745 rebellion agonised from poor military leadership and tactic, the rising 1715 was led by John Erskine, lord Mar, he was able to assemble around 10000 foot and horses. the strongest host to the field against 4000. The clans had advanced only as far as Inverary which the clans failed to ake, the clan abandoned the siege in favour of joining Mar’s eastern force the battle of sheriff Muir. Mar’s indecisiveness cost the Stuart a lot because Mar waited for the French and duke of Berwick help. He delayed the marching to the south from the strongholds in the southern highland which was important part of the rising prior to the battle 4,000 pounds of Jacobites gun powder were seized by the Whig magistrate of Aberdeen on thieve of the rising . When the rebellion broke out in October the Jacobites army were not prepare so far that the General Joseph Wightman went to describe the horse as the worst that he ever saw. Instead ofShow MoreRelatedEvents Leading to the First Jacobite Rebellion2404 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿Events leading to the First Jacobite Rebellion Abstract: This paper discusses the causes of the First Jacobite Rising in 1715 by focusing on the individuals involved in the process and role that they played in having revolutionaries rise up against their leaders. James Francis Edward Stuart is one of the foremost individuals responsible for the rebellion and in spite of his determination to achieve victory he encountered serious resistance and realized that he had mistakenly believed that the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Non Verbal Communication - 2465 Words

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1ST YEAR Contents Introduction Body 1. The Power of Nonverbal communication and Body Language. 2. Reading Nonverbal Communication Cues. 3. Parts of Nonverbal Communication. 4. Using body language and nonverbal communication successfully. 1. Tips for successful nonverbal communication. 4.2. Nonverbal communication and body language: Common mistakes. 4.3. Nonverbal communication is one of the five key skills of emotional intelligence. 5. Limits to communicating non-verbally. 6. Reading nonverbal behavior. Conclusion†¦show more content†¦The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other person’s response. Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly - expressing ourselves with gestures often without thinking. However, the meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation. For example, in American culture agreement might be indicated by the head going up and down, whereas in India, a side-to-side head movement might mean the same thing. We also look to posture to provide cues about the communicator; posture can indicate self-confidence, aggressiveness, fear, guilt, or anxiety. Consider how your perceptions of people are aff ected by the way they sit, walk, stand up, or hold their head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements. Tactile: We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the messages given by the following: a firm handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug, a reassuring pat on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or aShow MoreRelatedCommunication : Verbal And Non Verbal Communication1216 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication is a complex activity which involve verbal and non-verbal communication, the topic under discussion, the prejudgments that people bring to the topic, and the â€Å"communication history† between participants in the discussion. A Speaker who transmits message must ensure that the message is delivered clearly. A listener who takes the messages must be an active listener. As effective communication can only take place when the recipient of the message understands it’s meaning and able to expressRead MoreCommunication And Verbal And Non Verbal Communication Essay1500 Words   |  6 PagesCommunication, as described in ‘,’ is a two-way process in reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. It is a means of connection between people or places. Without communication there would be no understanding between people and important information and messages would not be correctly conveyed. This is why communication plays an important role in our daily lives and when notRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication851 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication in the Military â€Æ' In this paper, I will be writing on the topic of the United States military. I will discuss why this group is effective and how verbal and nonverbal communication is used depending on the task at hand. I will also share the different roles each person in the group must complete for the mission to be a success. Lastly, I will show how the morale is boosted and the members take pride in job when those roles that need completed are done correctlyRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication978 Words   |  4 Pagestaking this class I almost feel as if I was blind to the various aspects of communication compared to now. Almost after every slide I try to relate each topic to a facet I have seen it in my life, it is not hard to do so considering we are receiving or providing a form of communication majority of the time. The two topics of communications I will be talking about are non-verbal and verbal communication. Nonverbal communication has many properties to it one in specific that I remember driving me crazyRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication882 Words   |  4 PagesCommunication is act of relaying messages to each other in society whether it may be formal or non-formal. We use both verbal and non-verbal communication every day to communicate with people around us. There are several functions of everyday language whether it may be simply giving directions to someone on the street, a professor lecturing a class at a college, a mime performing on the street, or even dancing. These types of communications delivers a message to an audience. Our everyday life isRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1018 Words   |  5 PagesIs it possible to truly stop ourselves from physically reacting to someone else’s invitation of verbal or non-verbal communication? Is it possible to â€Å"not react† at all? Do we have this kind of control over our emotional and physical body language? What happens to the inner part of ourselves when the outer part of ourselves reacts physically, emotionally or mentally without our permission? Interpreting body language in real life situations can be beneficial when done correctly. Body language is aRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communication1632 Words   |  7 Pages Within the laboratory, there are a range of communication methods that are used to convey information between biomedical scientists and the service users (consultants and patients). Verbal and non-verbal communication shapes our interactions with others and the interpersonal relationships with those around us, including our co-workers and service users. Verbal communication comprises of any form involving the use of words, whether they may be spoken by voice, or written and signed. We use it toRead MoreVerbal And Non Verbal Communications1718 Words   |  7 Pagesothers due to my passion to learn about other cultures that are located near my country. Moreover, learning about other countries culture may prevent unwanted actions to occur, and enhance the communication of people. In this project I would like to talk more about the verbal and non-verbal communications in both Kuwait and Egypt, in which I show similarities and differences between the two cultures. People think that because they are Arabs their language, culture, and behavior are the same, whichRead MoreNon Verbal And Verbal Communication1349 Words   |  6 PagesCommunication is important in any industry. There are many forms of communication and it is constantly evolving. One such field that communication is important in is physical therapy. There is constant interaction between patients, physical therapists, physical therapists assistants, other employees, other health professionals, etc. This report will look at communication within different levels of employment, non-verbal and verbal communication, communication impacted by the audience, technologyRead MoreVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication2628 Words   |  11 Pages Communication has always been a vital part of our life and is important in the day to day interact ions we participate in with friends, family and the people who are close to us. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, â€Å"communication is the exchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of symbols.† Communication varies between two types, one being verbal communication and the other being non-verbal communication. Amy Lucas highlights in her article the fact that, Our ancestors hunted

Monday, December 9, 2019

Of youth and age Essay Example For Students

Of youth and age Essay A man that is young in years, may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. But that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second. For there is a youth in thoughts, as well as in ages. And yet the invention of young men, is more lively than that of old; and imaginations stream into their minds better, and, as it were, more divinely. Natures that have much heat, and great and violent desires and perturbations, are not ripe for action, till they have passed the meridian of their years; as it was with Julius CÃÆ'ƒÂ ¦sar and Septimius Severus. Of the latter, of whom it is said, Juventutem egit erroribus, imo furoribus, plenam. And yet he was the ablest emperor, almost, of all the list. But reposed natures may do well in youth. As it is seen in Augustus CÃÆ'ƒÂ ¦sar, Cosmus Duke of Florence, Gaston de Foix, and others. On the other side, heat and vivacity in age, is an excellent composition for business. Young men are fitter to invent, than to judge; fitter for execution, than for counsel; and fitter for new projects, than for settled business. For the experience of age, in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them; but in new things, abuseth them. The errors of young men, are the ruin of business; but the errors of aged men, amount but to this, that more might have been done, or sooner. Young men, in the conduct and manage of actions, embrace more than they can hold; stir more than they can quiet; fly to the end, without consideration of the means and degrees; pursue some few principles, which they have chanced upon absurdly; care not to innovate, which draws unknown inconveniences; use extreme remedies at first; and, that which doubleth all errors, will not acknowledge or retract them; like an unready horse, that will neither stop nor turn. Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success. Certainly it is good to compound employments of both; for that will be good for the present, because the virtues of either age, may correct the defects of both; and good for succession, that young men may be learners, while men in age are actors; and, lastly, good for extern accidents, because authority followeth old men, and favor and popularity, youth. But for the moral part, perhaps youth will have the pre-eminence, as age hath for the politic. A certain rabbin, upon the text, Your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, inferreth that young men, are admitted nearer to God than old, because vision, is a clearer revelation, than a dream. And certainly, the more a man drinketh of the world, the more it intoxicateth; and age doth profit rather in the powers of understanding, than in the virtues of the will and affections. There be some, have an over-early ripeness in their years, which fadeth betimes. These are, first, such as have brittle wits, the edge whereof is soon turned; such as was Hermogenes the rhetorician, whose books are exceeding subtle; who afterwards waxed stupid. A second sort, is of those that have some natural dispositions which have better grace in youth, than in age; such as is a fluent and luxuriant speech; which becomes youth well, but not age: so Tully saith of Hortensius, Idem manebat, neque idem decebat. The third is of such, as take too high a strain at the first, and are magnanimous, more than tract of years can uphold. As was Scipio Africanus, of whom Livy saith in effect, Ultima primis cedebant.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Teece Model of Innovation Essay Example

Teece Model of Innovation Paper Innovation is a process to bring new ideas, new methods or new products to an organization. It is the action required to create new ideas, processes or products which when implemented lead to positive effective change. While invention requires the creation of new ideas, processes or products, innovation moves one step further and requires implementation of the inventive act. Innovation also implies a value system which seeks to derive a positive outcome from the inventive act. For example, actions which lead to a negative performance metric would not be considered innovative, even if they met the requirements of novelty and enabling actions. THE TEECE MODEL OF INNOVATION: David Teece clarified that two factors imitability and complementary assets will have a strong influence in determining who will ultimately profit from an innovation. Imitability refers to how easily competitors can copy or duplicate the technology or process underpinning the innovation. There are many examples of barriers a company could use to protect itself from imitation, including intellectual property rights, complex internal routines or tacit knowledge. Complementary assets are equally important. They include any activity that gravitates around the core innovation such as distribution channels, reputation, marketing capabilities, strategic alliances, customer relationships, licensing agreements, among others. Analyzing the two dimensions the theory concludes that if imitability is high and complementary assets are freely available or unimportant it will be difficult to make money out of the innovation (exceptions can be made at the very short run). We will write a custom essay sample on Teece Model of Innovation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teece Model of Innovation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teece Model of Innovation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If instead complementary assets are tightly held and important and imitability is once again high, the holder of such assets will be the one profiting on the innovation, independently of who developed it. If imitability is low the innovator will find himself in a much better position. When complementary assets are not controlled by other economic actors he will be able to collect most of the profits being generated. When, on the other hand, complementary assets are important and tightly held negotiation will take place, profits will be shared in proportion to bargaining power of the parts involved. The Teece model can be used not only to predict who will profit from an innovation but also to understand what company will have higher incentives to invest in certain innovations. The major flaw one can find in this theory is the lack of empirical evidence, which results from the difficulty to isolate the imitability and the complementarily effects from other factors. EXAMPLE: Consider the case of RC Cola, it was the first firm to introduce a diet cola on the market, but since it could not protect itself from imitation soon Pepsi and Coca-Cola jumped in, and using their complementary assets (distribution channels, brand name, etc. ) they appropriated all the profits of the segment. Another example is herbal toothpaste which was first introduced by vico vajradanti but later colgate entered in herbal toothpaste market with name colgate herbal and it succeed. References: Innovationzen. com A. Afuah, â€Å" Innovation management†, Oxford university press, 1998, 25.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Much to do with hate, but more to do with love Essay Example

Much to do with hate, but more to do with love Essay Example Much to do with hate, but more to do with love Essay Much to do with hate, but more to do with love Essay Consider Shakespeares presentation of the theme of Romeo and Juliet with particular reference to character, language, setting and context.Love. The play Romeo and Juliet is based around love but, what is it? People always say their in love but how do they know? So many philosophers have tried to explain the word love, but what is it really? So were Romeo and Juliet ever in love with anyone? How do they show it? If not, how could they not be in love in the city of romance, Verona? The country of lovers, Italy? These are questions I asked myself when I read the play, watched the video and before I began this essay. So what is Love? The dictionary says Love is A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. When I think of love, I think of the couple that have been together forever and dont need anyone but each other or love for family, but as I have found out from this play love is a little more complicated than I love you, you love me. We all have different feelings for each other which are shown in different ways and Shakespeare uses this in the play with all characters, which I will attempt to explain in my essay.The plot of Romeo and Juliet is based around a families hate for each other and the ironic love of their children. Shakespeare uses this to an advantage by makingFirst, the main thing is where? The setting is Verona in Italy. This was probably a good place to set a love story as in England at that time and even now, we portray Italy as the country in of Romance. Al so the audience would have found the situation of Romeo and Juliet more believable. A 13 yr old girl going against her parents wishes, to be with her lover even if it meant killing herself. The audience would have believed all things romantic are possible in Verona, and Shakespeare used this as he could have no limitations to his writing.The characters also show their love in different ways particularly to Juliet. Lady Capulet is very business like with her daughter this is the matter: Nurse, give leave awhile, we must talk in secret:-nurse, come back again. This line shows that Lady Capulet thinks she is close to her daughter but then realises she cannot be alone with her and calls the nurse back in. But Shakespeare makes a joke of how upper class children do not have a close relationship with their parents. The fact that the nurse had to be with her is like a Lawyer and there client, a business like relationship.However the nurse is more like a friend than a carer, telling her to sleep with men and have fun Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days. But in front of Lady Capulet, the nurse becomes a carer again, talking about breast-feeding and caring for her thou hadst suckd wisdom from thy teat.Whereas Romeos feelings for Juliet are never certain, at first he is in love with Rosalind, he believes that if someone says they see someone more beautiful than Rosalind then they should be burnt a the stake for lying Transparent heretics, be burnt for liars. Romeos words are inspired by the practice of burning witches and heretics at the stake; this was common at the time of Shakespeare. But he quickly transfers his feelings to Juliet making his love for Rosalind fickle.Romeo also seems confused by the meaning of love as he uses many oxymorons Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, O brawling love! O loving hate!O any thing, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!Sick health. It seems he prefers the idea of being in love rather than actually doing it.When we first meet Juliet she acts like A good girl and she always does what she is told and always acts with great courtesy Madam, I am here. What is your will? and has a more religious way of talking about love, For saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers kiss. You kiss by the book.Not only does this make us think she believes in marriage and God, but this also gives the impression of and innocence and purity. she hath not seen the change of 13 yearsEven though Juliet is only 13 she speaks about sex and love.It was appropriate in Shakespeares day for a girl of 13 to be married and have children. It was also acceptable for the parents to decide who their child was to marry; arranged marriages were common and acceptable in those times. But Juliets attitude changes when she meets Romeo, she follows her heart rather than her parents. This would have been almost forbidden at the time Romeo and Juliet was written, as children always obey ed their parents. When Juliet ditches Paris to be with Romeo, this would have been shocking to the audiences of the time, but it also exciting and more romantic that they could do something so outrageous to be together.Shakespeare also played with the language of the script, using the class difference of the audience to an advantage. This gave him an opportunity to make upper and lower class jokes as well as characters. The lower class characters, such as commoners or servants, speak in prose and use a lot of slang, to relate to the lower class audience. Using sexual jokes and un-rhyming verses, For Juliets sake stand and rise. Stand and rise is the nurse making a joke of Romeo because he should have had sex with her by now. The lower class would have loved this, a lower class character making a sex joke at an upper class character. Whereas the upper class characters speak in Blank-verse, using puns and soliloquies. This would have applied to upper class audience members who would u nderstand these jokes more than the lower class.In general I felt that Romeo and Juliet had a moral to the story. The way that they both overcame their families hate for each other. The fact that they killed there selves shows there commitment and love for each other.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shakespeare for Kids

Shakespeare for Kids Shakespeare for kids should be fun – and the younger you get into it, the better! My Shakespeare for kids activities are sure to spark an early interest in the Bard ... but these ideas are just for starters. If you have your own ideas, please share them on our Readers Respond: Your Shakespeare for Kids Activities page. The key thing is not to get bogged down in the detail and the language - that comes later! For starters, it is about getting your kids excited about Shakespeare and perhaps saying some snippets of text. Here are my top Shakespeare for kids games and activities for some family fun! Top 6 Shakespeare for Kids Activities Build Shakespeare’s Globe: Start by building your own model of Shakespeare’s Globe. There’s a great free resource at where you can print out, cut out and assemble the Globe. You can download the Globe construction kit here: Do a Bit of Acting: Kids hate reading Shakespeare (I certainly did!), so get them on their feet. Extract a short script extract and do some drama. The two best scenes for this are the witches scene from Macbeth and the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. They will probably already know the words to these scene extracts – even if they didn’t realize it was Shakespeare! Stage a (choreographed) fight: Get some sponge swords and choreograph the opening swashbuckling scene from Romeo and Juliet in the back garden. â€Å"Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?† If possible, film it on your home video camera and watch it back the next day. If your kids are up for a bit of direction, see h ow much of the scene you can get through. If they are too young, put them into two teams: Montagues and Capulets. You can them theme any two player/team game into a Romeo and Juliet adventure. Tableau:  Work together to tell the story of a popular Shakespeare play in just ten freeze frames (tableau). Photograph each one on a digital camera and print them out. You can now have fun getting the photos into the right order and sticking speech bubbles to them with selected lines from the play. Draw a Shakespeare Character: For older kids, the best way to do a basic character study is to pick the name of a Shakespeare character out from a hat. Talk about who they might be, what they are like, are they good or evil ... and then let them loose on with the pens, crayons and paints. As they are drawing/painting, keep talking about the character and encourage them to add the details into their picture. Trust me, you will be surprised at how much they will learn. Shakespeare Dress Up: Get the dressing up box out and put in the middle of the floor. Let your kids pick a Shakespeare character and ask them to dress up as the character. You will need to be ready to tell them all about t he character as they are choosing the clothes. When ready, give them a line from the play to practice. This works well if you take a photo and review them with your kids afterwards to reinforce who the character is in their minds.    Please do share your own Shakespeare for kids activities (big or small) with fellow readers on our Readers Respond: Your Shakespeare for Kids Activities page.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

News reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

News reading - Essay Example Mainly because not everyone can afford to pay for healthcare every year. For as long as unemployment remains a big part of the problem of Americas modern economy, mandatory healthcare coverage has no place in its society. Forcing mandatory coverage on people just to avoid a tax penalty will result in people purchasing the cheapest or the most affordable health insurance plan within their budget. But it will not guarantee that their pre-existing or future health conditions will be covered under the plan. Neither does it mean that the current plan of the person will still be affordable to the person. Instead, deregulation of healthcare should be pushed and doctors fees must be moderated by a governing health care services body in order to make healthcare more affordable to the people. By allowing free enterprise to flourish and giving people the option to choose their physician, they will be able to truly find a market for cheaper yet effective healthcare. Healthcare should be about competition for the best patient care between doctors, not between health insurance

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cost Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cost Accounting - Essay Example Absorption cost (also known as full costing) is costing systems which includes direct materials, direct labour and variable and fixed manufacturing overhead as product cost (Duruy, 2011).This costing method is normally required for external reporting purposes under GAAP since accountants believe that fixed overhead is a crucial component in the manufacturing process (Deo, 2009).. A reason for this is that stock valuation include all production cost under UK SAAP9 so that when profit increases the stock also increase (Pong, & Mitchell, 2004) On the other hand, Marginal or variable costing is costing system which includes all manufacturing cost that vary according to the number of units produced, which includes direct materials, direct labour and variable manufacturing overhead (Bhimani, 2011). Economists favour the use of marginal costing since it enhances profit maximisation (Deo, 2009) since stock increases lower the profit (Pong, & Mitchell, 2004). Theoretically, it is easy to iden tify the effects of the costing method used by an organization on profit. The costing method used in stock valuation therefore has an implication on profit as shown in the table below: Movement increase decrease Valuation method used Full costing Variable costing High profit Low profit Lower profit Higher profit Several principles were put forward in attempts of supporting either of these costing methods. For instance, the matching principle, which holds that during profit calculation, revenues, must be matched with the costs incurred in generating the revenue (Pong and Mitchell, 2004). Assuming prices are constant, the variable costing method results in a time series of profits that is in synch with the sales. This is considered an advantage of variable costing. The profit generated in this case is not subjected to any movements influence by changes in the stock level as the fixed costs are written off. This is found to concur with the realization principle that recognises profits as they occur (Pong and Mitchell, 2004). On the other hand, carrying forward fixed costs in the full costing method can boost profits in the case of rising stock. It is acknowledged that production activities can affect profitability via the levels of stock. However, this claim has been on the spotlight as it encourages managers to increase profitability by increasing stock which may be dysfunctional to the firm (Pong and Mitchell, 2004). The main difference between absorption costing and managerial costing is the treatment of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost, which are treated as a period cost in variable costing (Durury, 2011, p.195). The two costing methods will be compared using the given data below. Year 1 Year 2 Sales Price 50 52 Direct Materials 10 10 Direct Labour 7 8 Variable Production overhead 5 5 Fixed Production overheads 4800 5700 Administration costs 4000 5000 Sales Volume 900 1400 Production 1100 1300 The unit cost for the absorption costing method was higher at ?26.36 than the ?22.00 for the marginal costing due to the addition of ?4.36 per unit in the first year. The unit cost for the second year was also high for the absorption costing at ?27.38 when compared to the ?23.00 for the marginal costing. This comparison discovered that the unit cost for absorption costing was higher than the marginal costing because of the addition of the fixed manufacturing cost. The benefit of a two year comparisons is that it reveals how manufacturing cost are transferred in the absorption and managerial costing (Lere, 2000, p.29). The benefit of marginal costing is that fixed manufacturing overhead is already incurred even if there is no production for the period. (Durury,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Program as an English Teachi Essay Example for Free

Program as an English Teachi Essay The most meaningful goal in my life at this time is to be granted the honor of participating in the Fulbright program as an English Teaching Assistant in Poland. Through all of my academic and professional activities up to this date, I have proven to be an exemplary member of my community, devoting focused care, time and energy to fostering understanding and authentic expression among people. My deep appreciation of what it means to be an effective communicator, through words and body language, is a main part of the reason why I believe that I would be a highly successful and noteworthy Teaching Assistant. I have a strong background of training in the field of language, theater and communication, and my expressive and artistic nature would be an asset in my being able to offer the experience to other people of learning something new. I have proven to be able to work well as a leader and director as well as a listener and team player, and I have great confidence in my ability to impart knowledge as well as learn from others. The reasons for my choice of Poland as a target location center on my own personal ancestry, meaningful experiences in the Polish American community, and my heartfelt desire to work as a cultural ambassador to Poland. As a curious boy of 11, I became interested in genealogy and traced our family back to Poland in the 1700s. I learned that I have distant relatives who live in Poland, including a cousin in Lublin who owns a school where English is taught. I have visited Poland twice before, once with my grandmother when I was 17 years old and once with a friend when I was 25. The church I attended growing up, St. Hedwig Catholic Church in Gary, Indiana, had a Polish Mass that I attended regularly. I was the organist at church and played during Mass. Although I did not understand everything that was being said, I truly enjoyed engaging in the Polish songs, even more than the English ones. I was only 14 years old when I became the organist there, and the memories of Midnight Mass, sunrise Easter services and the traditions carried over from Poland left distinct impressions on me. It would be personally enriching for me to spend time in Poland, learning as much as possible about the Polish culture and sharing insight about my own Polish American culture. In my spare time, I would like to observe or assist at a local theater company in Poland. I have several years of professional experience in theater, and it would be interesting to examine the difference between American styles of directing and Polish styles of directing. There are many past achievements and personal characteristics which qualify me for the opportunity of being honored as a Fulbright scholar. My current major in English and work towards my Bachelor degree at Purdue University is the most prominent demonstration of my high level academic understanding of the English language. This experience is supported by my leadership as President of the Alpha Mu Pi chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, English Honor Society, and awards as Consistent Semester Honors and Chancellors List Recipient. In addition to my university experience, I have been engaged as a professional director and actor in the Indiana theater community. I have performed in over 60 productions, served as the Vocal Director of nine productions, choreographed three productions and served as the Director of seven award winning productions. My membership experience includes the Ball State University Singers, Americas #1 Collegiate Entertainment Organization, and Indianas Official Goodwill Ambassadors. I have also engaged in leadership positions, serving as the Membership Chair, Marketing Chair and President of Portage Community Theatre and Development Chair for the Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre Foundation. Various awards received include Winner of Best Director, Best Actor, Best Vocal Director Awards, and Musical and Play Viewer for the Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre Foundation. Upon returning to the United States, it is my intention to enter a Master degree program and continue on to the doctorate level.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

In Harper Lee’s book, To Kill A Mockingbird, there are many examples of racism. During this time in history racism was acceptable. Racism is a key theme in her book. Not only those who were black, but also those who affiliated with blacks, were considered inferior. Atticus, a lawyer, who defended blacks in court, was mocked. An example of this is when Mrs. Dubose said, â€Å"Your father’s [Atticus] no better than the niggers and trash he works for!† Mr. Dolphus Raymond was also criticized for affiliating with blacks, especially black females. Example is when Jem said, â€Å"He likes ‘em [blacks] better ‘n he likes us [whites], I reckon.† Basically, you were black if you â€Å"liked† blacks. Blacks, because they were considered inferior, were expected to do everything for whites. Everything had to be perfect, without excuse. Even when Calpurnia, a Finch family friend, did not make the perfect cup of coffee, she was mocked. Book excerpt, â€Å"She [Calpurnia] poured one tablespoon of coffee into it and filled the cup to the brim with milk. I [Scout] thanked her by sticking out my tongue...†. Even when blacks did do good, they were still mocked. An example is when Aunt Alexandra said, â€Å"Jem’s growing up now and you are too. We decided that it would be best for you to have some feminine influence.† Even though Calpurnia was a female, Aunt Alexandra over-looked this, because of her race. People were so biased, it didn’t matter how good a job a black person did. Since there was such strong racism in Maycomb, there were excuses made for whites. In the book, it was obvious that Bob Ewell was a mean man. It was also obvious that he was abusive to his daughter, Mayella, and he was the one who violated her, not Tom Robinson, because what the evidence showed. But, the people of Maycomb over-looked the evidence in favor of Tom Robinson, just because he was black. In Harper Lee’s book, To Kill A Mockingbird, there are many examples of racism. The legal barriers to racial equality have been torn down, and racial exclusion from the benefits of society and the rights of citizenship is no longer nearly total, as it once was. But discrimination still limits the opportunities and stifles the hopes of many black Americans and other minorities. In the realms of housing, employment, medical care, education and the administration of the criminal justice system, we are still, as the 1968 Kerner Commission Report on civil disorders warned, â€Å"two separate Americas.† At this moment

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Importance Of Teacher Motivation Education Essay

A survey of instructors ‘ motive consists of two chief subjects. The first one identifies the different factors impacting instructors ‘ motive, while the 2nd facet analyses how the school caputs can impact on instructors ‘ motive through their leading. This chapter explains the importance of instructor motive. The motivational factors for instructors, using literature findings are reviewed.2.2: Importance of instructor motiveSchools exist, chiefly to educate kids. It is for this intent that instructors are employed in schools ( Fiddler & A ; Atton, 1997 ) . Teachers are, therefore, the most of import professionals for any state ‘s hereafter. However, without equal support and resources, instructors will non be motivated although they may be extremely qualified. It is sad to observe that instructors, the most valuable human resource, are frequently neglected ( Abdo, 2001 ) . One should bear in head that a state ‘s strength depends on the high quality of i ts instruction system and the strength of such a system, in bend, relies on qualified and motivated instructors. Inspired and motivated are indispensable in supplying quality instruction. Schools would decidedly non last without motivated and dedicated instructors.2.3: Factors impacting instructors ‘ motiveResearch ( Eimers, 1997 ) has shown that instructors are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Further surveies on motive for learning distinguished between intrinsic, extrinsic and selfless grounds for taking the profession ( Kyriacou & A ; Coulthard, 2000 ; Moran, Kilpatrick, Abbott, Dallat, & A ; McClune, 2001 ) . Intrinsically motivated instructors are focused on instruction and the activity related to the occupation itself. The built-in satisfaction or the joy of instruction is viewed as the drive force. The extrinsically motivated instructors focus on the benefits of learning, such as salary, holidaies or other external wagess connected to the occupation. Finally, the selflessly motivated teacher positions learning as a socially worthwhile and of import occupation, and has a desire to be portion of immature peoples ‘ growing and devel opment. Barmby ( 2006, p. 253 ) extrapolated these findings and points out that instructors ‘ motive is influenced less by externally initiated factors such as salary, educational policy and reform and conditions of service, than by those emanating from the intrinsic context within which they work. Harmonizing to Hallinger and Heck ( 1998 ) , school leaders can play a critical function in the success of educational establishments. To the extent that school leaders can command the results of instructors ‘ attempts, they can act upon the degrees of motive instructors experience ( Silver, 1982 ) . This can be through their influence on instructors ‘ morale and motive. Surveies have lent cogent evidence ( Hallinger and Heck, 1998 ; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005 ; Leithwood and Mascall, 2008 ) that School leading affects the manner instructors teach, and therefore, impact straight on pupil public presentation. Since school leaders can, in one manner or the other, impact the intrinsic factors listed, they, therefore, play an highly function in actuating instructors. Indeed, in an effort to analyze instructors ‘ motive, Pitre ( 2003 ) found important relationship between school leading and teacher motive. A school caput should non merely be an effectual leader, director and counsellor, but besides an effectual incentive. Motivated instructors are productive instructors ( Osterloh, Bruno and Frost, 2001 ) as they have occupation satisfaction. School leaders should bear in head that without these, educational programmes may be profoundly weakened ( Snowden and Gorton, 2002 ) . This is supported by Brown ‘s survey ( 2005 ) , which found important nexus between political, local and organizational factors and the usage of inducements to actuate instructors in charter schools. Motivation was higher where more external inducements were provided. In fact, School leading and Teacher Motivation are two things that are inextricably linked.2.4 Importance of leading in schoolsFor much of the 20th century, the function of the school caput was that of director, where he/she was expected to pull off forces and budget, while managing other operational issues ( Usdan, McCloud, & A ; Podmostko, 2000 ) . Studies on the subject suggest that in the yesteryear, principals were able to win, at least partly, by merely transporting out the directives of cardinal decision makers ( Perez et al. 1999 ) . Today, in a quickly altering epoch of standards-based reform, as instruction moved into a new epoch of answerability, a different construct has emerged. Harmonizing to Dussault and Barnett ( 1996 ) , educational administrations are confronting many challenges and this displacement brings with it dramatic alterations in what public instruction demands from principals. School principals must, hence, heighten the quality of their services ; they can no longer map merely as edifice directors, tasked with adhering to territory regulations, transporting out ordinances and avoiding errors. â€Å" Management † by principals is no longer plen ty to run into today ‘s educational challenges ( Mulford, 2003 ) . Researchers ( Dussault and Barnett, 1996 ) claim that the existent state of affairss in schools call for betterment and educational leading. As Cawelti ( 1984, p.3 ) stated: â€Å" Continuing research on effectual schools has verified the common sense observation that schools are seldom effectual, in any sense of the word, unless the principal is a â€Å" good † leader † .2.4.1 School leading and effectual schoolsSchool leading ( Huber, 2004 ) , so, has a polar function in lending to effectual schools. Gurr, Drysdale, and Mulford ( 2005 ) found in their instance survey research on Australian principals that â€Å" the principal remains an of import and important figure in finding the success of a school † ( p. 548 ) . Extensive empirical attempts have shown that leading is a cardinal factor for the quality and effectivity of a school ( Reynolds, 1976 ; Harris, 2005 ) . The research conseque nces show that each and every successful school possesses a competent and sound school leading. Research ( Barber, 1995 ; Mortimore, Sammons, Stoll, Lewis and Ecob, 1988 ; Stoll and Fink, 1996 ) has shown that leading, in fact, defines the success of a school. Harmonizing to Leithwood, Day, Sammons, Hopkins and Harris ( 2006, p. 14-15 ) , â€Å" there is non a individual documented instance of a school successfully turning around its pupil achievement flight in the absence of gifted leading. † In this line of idea, Leithwood, Louis, Anderson & A ; Wahlstrom ( 2004 ) claimed that while schoolroom direction has the greatest impact on pupil accomplishment, leading has the 2nd greatest consequence. The function of the school leader has to be seen in relationship to the context in which the school is runing. Schools are embedded in the instruction system and their local communities ; leaders, hence, have to respond to, get by with and back up the development of the community served by their several schools. Huber ( 1997 ) firmly believes that â€Å" school leaders matter, they are educationally-significant, school leaders do do a difference. † Given the manifold undertakings and duties of school leading, every bit good as the competences required, school leaders may be regarded as â€Å" superheroes † . Their complex function can barely be filled with traditional leading constructs ( Huber, 2004 ) . Educational leaders are now confronted with an wholly new scope of demands and challenges. They should bear in head that their administrations have been set up to carry through a specific societal purpose, determining the society. The quality of instruction provided at school, hence, determines the future society. Furthermore, school leading proved to be of import for the acquisition environment for instructors in schools ( James & A ; McCormick, 2009 ; Louis, Dretzke, & A ; Wahlstrom, 2010 ) .2.4.2 Successful and effectual School leading2.4.2.1 Firm and purposeful leading It has been proven that all facets of the school rely on a proper School Leader ( Stoll and Fink, 1996 ; Huber, 2004 ; Mortimore et al. , 1988 ) . However, both the School Leader and single instructors are of extreme importance. Leithwood, in concert with others ( Leithwood et al. , 2004 ; Leithwood and Riehl, 2003 ; Leithwood et al. , 2006 ) , identified four wide classs of educational leading, or â€Å" nucleus patterns: † puting waies ; developing people ; redesigning the organisation ; and pull offing the instructional plan. At the same clip, effectual leaders know that the ability to take and pull off organizational alteration is critical for endurance since the school environment is a dynamic 1. School Leaderships should integrate the ability to cover with alterations happening in school system construction, particularly when more duties are being thrusted upon the shoulders of the School Leader by the educational system. Harmonizing to Calabrese ( 2002 ) the prototype school leader in the twenty-first century is a alteration agent. They have a duty to take alteration that consequences in more effectual and efficient educational patterns, in an environment that is progressively political. Therefore, outstanding school caputs should be proactive. They must do the alteration go on without estranging the instruction staffs. They should move as go-betweens between those defying alterations ( Levine and Lezotte, 1990 ) and the alteration agents. Leaderships, therefore, got a cardinal function in bring oning others to follow alteration in order to better the organizational effectivity. Hence, school leaders, are cardinal to originate and keeping the school betterment procedure ( Sammons et al. , 1994c ) . Schools, expected to carry through multi-dimensional maps, are affected by both internal and external environmental factors ( Eres, 2011 ) . School leaders can extinguish the negative effects of such factors. Therefore, they need to be proactive, expecting jobs and should be prepared to antagonize these expeditiously and efficaciously. The function of the School Leader is non ever clearly defined since taking and pull offing are two blending duties.2.4.3 School leading and instructors ‘ motiveLeadership can be defined as the ability to enlist, mobilise and actuate others to use their abilities and resources to a given cause ( Eyal and Roth, 2010 ) . This capacity is cardinal in the educational domain. Very frequently, pedagogues think in footings of actuating pupils to larn. Equally of import, though, with regard to educational leading is the motive of instructors ( Silver, 1982 ) . Harmonizing to Kocabas and Karakose ( 2002 ) , instructors are responsible to their schools and the principals are in bend responsible for the proper disposal of the school. Therefore, the chief duty for actuating instructors falls to the school caput. Along this line, Barker ( 2001 ) studied hapless performing artists and effectual principals and suggested that effectual leaders so motivate the staff. He claimed that the latter should be at that place to enthuse and inspire instructors instead than to ‘shape ‘ them. Good leading improves both teacher motive and work scenes. Further research by Kiziltepe ( 2006 ) found that the primary beginning of instructors ‘ de-motivation was the disposal Though, the relationship between School leading and Teacher Motivation have non straight been capable to much research, Brown and Hughes ( 2008 ) highlight the importance of researching the different factors that motivate instructors, as society progressively holds them accountable for pupil accomplishment. The relationship between school leading and instructor motive is related in the research literature to the effort to better understand principals ‘ impact on school public presentation ( Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005 ; Leithwood and Mascall, 2008 ; Supovitz, Sirinides and May, 2010 ) . Thus instructors ‘ battle and their motive have been studied largely as a interceding factor between school leading and pupils ‘ acquisition ( Hallinger and Heck, 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Sharpe, Klockow & A ; Martin ( 2002 ) , the factors actuating instructors can change from schoolroom to schoolroom, school to school, or territory to territory. If instructors are non motivated to lea rn, so the hunt for educational excellence will be avail ( Richardson, Short & A ; Prickett, 2003 ) . How can School leaders affect instructors ‘ motiveSeveral surveies suggest that school leading is 2nd merely to classroom instruction as an influence on pupil acquisition ( Leithwood, Harris, & A ; Hopkins, 2008 ; Leithwood & A ; Jantzi, 2008 ) and that cardinal to optimising pupil acquisition is the influence exerted by school leaders on teacher motive and committedness ( Day, Stobart, Sammons, Kington, & A ; Gu, 2006 ; Leithwood & A ; Mascall, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to surveies ( Hallinger and Heck, 1996 ) , school leading affects pupils ‘ results indirectly, by making the conditions that support instructors ‘ ability to learn and pupils ‘ acquisition. Teachers ‘ motive includes the outgo of attempt to accomplish a end ( Martin, 2000 ) . It is besides about making forces that power and drive their several behaviors ( Bursalioglu, 2002 ) . Dull ( 1981 ) believes that school leaders could actuate instructors by bettering a state of affairs perceived to be hard by an person, thereby run intoing demands. In add-on, the school leader can besides actuate instructors by supplying equal drive forces to press one into action ( Genc, 1987 ) . The human factor should non be ignored, the educational leader should endeavor in developing a physiological and psychological procedure which takes into history single desires, ends, inclinations, behavior, self-interest, penchant, will-power and thrust. He/she should be considerate, that is, see both intrinsic and extrinsic forces that actuate, direct and maintain staff behaviors ( Gursel, 1997 ) . Motivating instructors besides implies increasing the latter ‘s willingness to work and doing them believe that they will fulfill their personal demands if they work expeditiously in the school ( Yuksel, 1998 ) , by supplying the appropriate conditions. Porter, Polikoff, Goldring, Murphy, Elliot and May ( 2010 ) claims that these conditions include high criterions for pupil acquisition, strict course of study, quality direction, a civilization of acquisition and above all- professional behavior. Indeed, scholarly Hagiographas have linked the above mentioned conditions with increased instructor motive to exercise excess attempt in learning ( Geisel, Sleegers, Leithwood and Jantzi, 2003 ) . They added that school leading has a cardinal function in guaranting these conditions at school. Geisel et Al. ( 2003 ) besides mentioned that schools are effectual merely when the whole school community work as a whole and non as fragmented units. Therefore, the school leaders should non merely occupy the authorization place but should besides be seeable ( Dinham, Cariney, Craigie and Wilson, 1995 ) in the establishment, so as to be able to actuate their staffs. Visible leading Indeed, Dinham et Al. ( 1995 ) found that secondary school principals ‘ duties include being seeable, keeping contact with pupil groups, maintaining unfastened lines of communicating with stakeholders, advancing a positive school clime, being cognizant and in control of all school issues, act uponing the school tone, and furthering school pride. Harmonizing to farther surveies ( Huber, 1997 ) , instructors recognize it is extremely actuating when their school caput is involved in the day-to-day modus operandi. The school leader, demoing dedicated involvement in what happens in the category itself, is much appreciated. Teachers have a high regard for leaders cognizing about the course of study and who are actively involved in supervising pupils ‘ advancement. Robinson ( 2006 ) points out that school leaders who have capable specific cognition will be more confident and successful in back uping betterment in instructors ‘ pattern. No uncertainty, instructors find it e xtremely actuating when the principal provides a assortment of support, including practical aid and encouragement ( Murphy, 1989 ) . This involves frequent motion through the school, category visits every bit good as some informal exchange with the learning staff ( Teddlie et al. , 1989 ) . Harmonizing to Scheerens ( 1992 ) , this â€Å" is one of the pillars of school leading † and such regular interactions could besides assist in measuring the ways instructors work.2.4.1 Relationship between school leader and instructorsDavis et Al. ( 2002 ) argue that the relationship between school leaders and instructors is really of import: the school leader ‘s respect for others is, cardinal, to actuating instructors. Bing in charge of the school disposal, school leaders have the greatest portion in actuating instructors. Harmonizing to Griffin ( 2010 ) , relationships with decision makers were rated as a extremely motivative factor. This is supported by Asbill and Gonzalez ( 200 0 ) who found a relationship between positive principal-teacher interactions and teacher occupation satisfaction. Egley ( 2003 ) found similar consequences and emphasized the importance of a supportive principal-teacher relationship. School leaders ( Barnett and McCormick, 2003 ) must be able to make an environment conducive to the edifice of positiveness, supplying the platform for the staff to keep good dealingss, so as to make a healthy environment, where all can turn adequately. Wallace ( 2010 ) further claimed that school leading should besides include some emotional dimension. She posited that school leaders who understand the emotional context in which they work will supply a more hearty and effectual work context for instructors. They highlighted that working in a schoolroom environment where there is administrative support enhances the component of regard. Indeed, interviews by Sederberg and Clark ( 1990 ) showed that instructors perceive regard as the most of import inducement, followed by trust, optimism and intentionality. Further research ( Geisel et al. , 2003 ) has shown that certain methods adopted by the School leading so impact on the degree of instructor motive, for case, specifying a clear vision and aims.Shared vision and endsScholars ( Eyal and Roth, 2010 ; Barnett and McCormick, 2002 ) posited that vision potentially offers the greatest capacity to act upon instructors ‘ motive. Lashway ( 2000 ) added that school principals should guarantee that this vision is relevant to the school context. The leader ‘s vision must besides be related to the bing demands and civilization of the school ( Keedy, 1991 ) . In add-on, it must be focused, consistent, at the same clip, including short term every bit good as long term aims ( Geisel et al. , 2003 ) . These aid define and advance high outlooks ; and they connect straight with instructors and the schoolroom. Barnett and McCormick ‘s ( 2003 ) findings echoed the above research workers ‘ thoughts and even extrapolated those- they concluded that instructors should, at all cost, portion the school ‘s vision. This is because vision provides personal ends for the instructor, a desire to see a alteration in the hereafter. The staff should be able to link to the vision when it is clearly defined, so that, their ain personal aims may shoot out from it. Their surveies have shown that instructors are extremely motivated when they build consensus on the purposes and values of the school. In such instances, instructors can set these into pattern through collaborative and consistent of working. Empirical grounds ( Leithwood and Riehl, 2003 ; Ylimaki, 2006 ) proved that vision creates a sense of intent that binds instructors together and impel them to carry through their deepest aspirations and to make ambitious ends. Indeed, Brewer ‘s research ( 1993 ) showed that pupil accomplishment degrees were higher in schools where the principal had hired like-minded instructors who shared the principal ‘s ends and who were able to implement efficaciously the principal ‘s vision. Other research workers ( Lee and Smith, 1994 ) analyzed public presentation from 820 secondary schools and found that coherent, sustained, and focused reforms resulted in the best results for pupils. Therefore, effectual professional principals ( Huber, 1997, 2004 ) should unrelentingly work to better accomplishment by concentrating on specifying SMART ends. However, bookmans ( Gagne and Deci, 2005 ; Sheldon, Turban, Brown, Barrick and Judge, 2003 ) claimed that showing followings with a value-laden vision is non plenty. Leading professional No uncertainty, implementing a vision is non instantaneous ; it requires perennial rhythms of contemplation, rating, and response, and merely the principal can prolong it ( Lashway, 1997 ) . Sheldon et Al. ( 2003 ) posited that the leading function played by the school principal is critical in guaranting the vision and mission is attained. Therefore, principals need to have on many different chapeaus during the school twenty-four hours. But, the most effectual school principals are non merely directors and martinets but besides instructional leaders for the school ( Leithwood and Mascall, 2008 ) . Their surveies showed that an effectual school leader is non simply a good decision maker or director, but besides a taking professional- a transformational leader. Harmonizing to Burns ( 1978 ) transformational leading is the procedure in which leaders and their followings bring each other to a higher degree of ethic and motive. Today ‘s schools, hence, want non merely airy and professional leaders ( Lashway, 2000 ) , but transformational 1s.Transformational Leadership and motiveLeithwood ( 1992 ) claimed that transformational leading is, really, the restructuring of the system in order for the mission and vision of people to be redefined. It besides ensures that the staff identifies themselves with the ends of the administration, together with enlisting the engagement of the staffs by taking into consideration their sentiment greatly provide the range for motive. Bass ( 1990 ) suggested that motive is, in fact, a sub-dimension of transformational leading. Other bookmans ( Simola, Barling and Turner, 2010 ; Park and Rainey, 2008 ) besides concluded that motive has been shown to be an inspiring constituent of such sort of leading and these have shown a positive relationship between transformational leading and motive. Indeed, Bass and Avolio ( 1997 ) have argued that transformational leading can bring forth extraordinary results in footings of increased committedness to accomplishing group or organizational ends. Coupled with the above, Shamir, House and Arthur ( 1993 ) , maintained that transformational leaders besides foster intrinsic motives related to self construct. Their theory of leading asserted that magnetic leaders promote followings ‘ intrinsic motive to move beyond their self-esteem, self value and societal designation. Research has shown a positive relationship between transformational leading and motive. It has been proved that in an administration with transformational leaders, there is higher productiveness and that the employees are happier and there are fewer negative incidents ( Robbins, 1996 ) . Indeed, transformational Leadership plays an of import function in developing self-motivation. Leaderships increase their workers ‘ motive through their behavior ( Bass, 1990, Greenberg and Baron, 2000 ) . As the human dealingss and communicative accomplishments of a transformational leader are developed, they are effectual in carrying and directing their followings ( G lad and Blanton, 1997 ) . They besides motivate followings to exceed their ain immediate opportunism for the interest of the mission and vision of the administration. The leader motivates followings to â€Å" work for nonnatural ends alternatively of immediate opportunism, for accomplishment and self-actualisation instead than safety and security † ( Murray & A ; Feitler, 1989, p. 3 ) , and creates within followings a capacity to develop higher degrees of committedness to organizational ends ( Leithwood & A ; Jantzi, 2000 ) . Followings ‘ assurance degrees are raised and their demands broadened by the leader to back up development to higher possible. Such entire battle ( emotional, rational and moral ) encourages followings to develop and execute beyond outlooks ( Bass, 1985 ; Burns, 1978 ) . Transformational and Transactional School leadingBass ‘s theoretical account ( 1998 ) of transformational and transactional leading has a figure of of import deductions for the current reform mo tion in instruction. Harmonizing to Bass and Avolio ( 1997 ) , the transformational/transactional attack builds trust, regard, and a want on the portion of followings to work jointly toward the same coveted hereafter ends. This non merely allows the transformational leader to run efficaciously within the available context, but to alter it, to do it more receptive to her or his ain leading orientation. Indeed, a positive relationship has been found ( Howell and Hall- Merenda, 1999 ) between transformational leading and a good resonance between the leader and follower. Using this to schools, Avolio and Bass ( 1988 ) argue that although transactional and transformational leading can stand for two distinct signifiers of leading, effectual school principals exhibit features of both by keeping short-run enterprises through transactional leading and by motivating alteration as a transformational leader. A figure of surveies emphasize the importance of transformative leading for school principals ( Fullan 1996 ; Hord 1992 ; Leithwood, Tomlinson & A ; Genge 1996 ; Wood 1998 ; Sergiovanni 1992 ; Conley 1997 ; Perez et Al. 1999 ; Reed and Roberts 1998 ) .Transformational school leading and instructor motiveContemporary in-between school leaders have a huge array of duties and are frequently characterized as those who should be â€Å" transformational leaders † ( Sanzo et al. , 2010 ) . The challenges brought to schools by reconstituting have been cited as grounds for recommending transformational leading in schools. Such leading embraces a postmodern manner of thought. It is argued that transformational leading is good suited to the challenges of current school restructuring. It has the potency for constructing high degrees of committedness ( in instructors ) to the complex and unsure nature of the school reform docket and for furthering growing in the capacities instructors must develop to react positively to this docket ( Leithwood and Jantzi, 1997 ) . Transformational leading is seen to be sensitive to administration edifice, developing shared vision, administering leading and edifice school civilization necessary to current restructuring attempts in schools ( Leithwood, Jantzi and Stainbach, 1999 ) . Transformational School leading: the four I ‘s and teacher motive Leithwood and Jantzi ( 1990 ) have defined transformational leading based on schools. Transformational leading dimensions, viz. , idealised influence, inspirational motive and rational stimulation, were found to straight act upon instructors ‘ sum of motive ( Geisel et al. , 2003 ; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005 ) . These, in bend, had an indirect impact on pupils ‘ accomplishments and acquisition ( Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005 ) . Individualised attention-Teachers ‘ demands and outlooks Individualised attending ( Blase and Kirby, 2000 ) given to the staff, greatly adds up to teacher motive. Harmonizing to Blase and Kirby ( 2000 ) , it is of topmost importance for leaders to place instructors ‘ needs- the societal demands should non be neglected ( Bursalioglu, 2002 ) , and their feelings about their occupations. School leaders have to be witting of the fact that each individual has different demands and, hence, should be motivated consequently. Weller ( 1982 ) added that the school principal should be sympathetic to the demands of their instructors. The leaders should be able to provide for the demands of each and every 1. Harmonizing to Adair ( 2002 ) , a leader, who is non cognizant of these, and who does non expose attempt to carry through these, will decidedly confront troubles in actuating instructors. He added that merely a intelligent leader can invent and implement effectual schemes to help instructors in their development, guaranting they perform their several responsibilities in an effectual, enthusiastic and motivated mode. Blase , Derick and Stahth ( 1986 ) reported that principals ‘ initiating construction and exposing consideration were associated with more hearty work conditions, higher occupation satisfaction, and less occupation emphasis. Staff ‘s experience of occupation emphasis was seen as principals ‘ deficiency of consideration and was related to teacher dissatisfaction. It was found that instructors ( Blase et al. , 1986 ) are less likely to portion their positions and sentiments, or seeking to better the conditions if they feel that their school caputs are non plenty caring. Blase ( 1986 ) put frontward that the latter should endeavor to develop fruitful relationships with the learning staff, furthering positive communicating with and among instructors. It is merely through these relationships that they can set up leader legitimacy and encouraged committedness. Teachers should experience that they form portion of the school community and non merely as employees working in the school. The motive for working with the capable affair in which instructors have their academic grade and the wish to learn it to others are of import incentives for instructors both before and upon completion of the PGCE class ( Roness & A ; Smith, 2009, 2010 ) . Still, we find that the subject-matter involvement is a salient and stable incentive among these Norse instructors, a determination which aligns with other international research ( Kyriacou et al. , 1999 ; Manuel & A ; Brindley, 2005 ; Manuel & A ; Hughes, 2006 ) . A plausible ground for these consequences can be that when get downing teacher instruction, the pupils regard themselves as subject-matter specializers. Idealised influence Idealised influence is the magnetic component of transformational leading, in which leaders, go function theoretical accounts, who are admired, respected and emulated by their followings ( Avolio and Bass, 2002 ; Bass, 1998 ; Bass and Avolio, 1994 ) . As a consequence, followings demonstrate a high grade of trust in such leaders ( Jung and Avolio, 2000 ) . Researchers ( Jung and Avolio, 2000 ) added that shared vision, is, an built-in constituent of this idealised transformational function, animating credence through the alliance of ends. Principals must, hence, be good function theoretical accounts back uping best pattern ( Colley, 2002 ) . Inspirational motive Leaderships behave in ways that motivate and inspire those around them by supplying significance and challenge to their followings ‘ work ( Avolio and Bass, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Bass ( 1998 ) , squad spirit is aroused and followings show much enthusiasm. The transformational school leader ( Barnett and McCormick, 2003 ) physiques and sustains synergistic communications with the instructors. For case, inspirational negotiations and moving in ways that encourage enthusiasm. Principals inspire instructors to see an attractive hereafter, while pass oning outlooks and showing a committedness to ends and the shared vision. Research ( Eyal and Roth, 2010 ) besides proved that transformational school leaders can excite their instructors ‘ attempts to be advanced and originative. Harmonizing to Tracey and Hinkin ( 1998 ) , such influence motivates followings to demo unity in the signifier of ethical and moral behavior. This includes values and beliefs which emphasise the school ‘s mission and encompassing high morality. Another point to be noted is that instructors want to be reasonably treated. Any prejudiced actions ( Wevers, 2000 ) against them are negatively perceived and these impact to a great extent on their motive degree. Awamleh and Gardiner ( 1999 ) believe that school leaders should avoid the abuse of power for personal additions. School leaders should be seen trusty and competent by followings ( Cheemers, 2001 ) . So, it is of import to hold ethical school leaders. Intellectual Stimulation Surveies ( Reynolds, 1976 ; Mortimore et al. , 1988 ; , Stoll and Fink, 1996 ) of Effective schools showed that, principals, considered invention to be an built-in portion of the school. They encourage instructors to oppugn bing premises and to reframe jobs. They invite the teaching staff to near old state of affairss in new ways. Intellectual stimulation ( Burns, 1978 ) , whereby school leaders encourage instructors to believe creatively is besides extremely actuating. The latter entails advancing an innovatory mentality, whereby the staff is to believe beyond conventional models to supply solutions to jobs. Apart from these, such principals strongly believe that much can be learnt by making and errors are non publically criticized. Alternatively, this helps to further squad work and, finally, this improves the problem-solving ability. It is to be mentioned that the principals act as a wise man in such instances, stressing reason. Therefore, an statement exists that transformational leading is more facilitative of educational alteration and contributes to organizational betterment, effectivity and school civilization ( Deal and Peterson, 1990 ) . Evidence from several surveies ( Leithwood and Jantzi, 1990 ; Sashkin and Sashkin, 1990 ) provides strong support for the claim that transformational leading contributes to more desirable school civilizations.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Just Not Caring Essay

An example of violence against women Imagine the horror of being forcefully tied down, drenching In kerosene oil and being set on fire alive. It would not be a surprise If the mere thought of It Is already disturbing to you. How much more so would it be that this bitter fate is truly faced by many married women in India not at the hands of some psychos or strangers, but by their own so-called beloved husbands and or in-laws?A young woman is either being burnt alive, beaten to death or being forced to commit suicide at someplace in India, almost every four hours for not being able to provide the demand of dowries. Stone) The word dowry In the ordinary sense means properties or resources that are given to the bridegroom and his family at the time of marriage from the bride's family for accepting her to their home permanently. Dowry is, therefore, a compensatory payment to the family which agrees to shelter her hypothetically for the rest of her life. (Madam). â€Å"The nature of prope rty may be movable or immovable.Movable property generally consists of cash, clothes, furniture, ornaments, cycle or car and many other articles and Immovable property Includes land, house and shop or actors, etc. â€Å"(Hookah, 3) Historically, the dowry was referred as gift given voluntarily and it was restricted only to the Brahmins as the symbol of the highest caste. Today the dowry often refers to expensive material objects demand by the bridegroom's family as opposed to voluntarily given and it is unfortunately becoming customary across many deferent castes and social groups. Stone) Although dowry is possibly the single largest cause of bride burning as well as other forms of domestic violence against women; the Inequality between genders, an Increase In consumerism and he growing greed of balancing the social status with material objects also serves to be the motivations in committing the crime of bride burning. Oil) In India, a daughter is often neither valued nor welcomed by her biological family due to the severe financial weight of the dowry expectation. In fact, girls are rejected prior to their birth.Pillar, indicates that detection of a fetus using amniocentesis test have escalated throughout the country and the fetus carrying XX chromosomes are often aborted because the ultimate financial burden of a woman makes a female infant highly unwanted. Rude) The male preference over female Is also due to the custom of husband's family taking in the bride and thus daughters are taken as temporary visitors in their own home. Even in the matter of upbringing, son's happiness and success are considered more important because in return sons bear the responsibility of supporting their parents at the time of old age.Over time, this unequal treatment and abandonment faced by many women from a very young age forces them to view themselves as a minority which then ultimately shatters their confidence and self-worthiness into pieces. This explains why many newly- wed women prefer to stay mute even when they experience brutality or dowry -related violence since they fear or lack the confidence to gear up enough courage in an alien house hold to fight back or report the violence when the dowry obligations are unmet.According to Rude, some even choose suicide as an escape from the brutality of their situation and to spare their parents the humiliation of not being able to India, a total of 2. 276 female suicides due to dowry disputes were reported in 2006 that is six a day on an average, while the figure was 2,305 in 2005. On an average India loses one India woman every four hours over a dowry dispute, as per official data, despite a series of laws to empower them. (Dowry) The ongoing reality of dowry- related violence is an example of what can happen when women are treated as property.Hookah points out homicidal burning to be a common method used to murder a wife by the husband and in-law in order to bring forth excuses to explain the incident . The husband or in-law often reports the incident to the police as â€Å"a stove burst†, an accidental burn that took place while the woman was cooking on a rimes stove. Or the report may state that my wife's dress usually it's a traditionally dress called â€Å"share† caught on fire while she was cooking on a wood burning stove.In case, if the husband or in-law fails to prove the event based upon the evidence, they simply report the death as being one of the suicides. A familiar claim is that the victim burnt herself to death by pouring paraffin oil on her clothes and body and setting herself alight. † (Dowry) Due to lack of evidence, the guilty husband and in-law often escapes even after committing atrocious crimes and they are soon in the arraign business again looking for a new bride with perhaps an even handsomer dowry. Stone) These shocking made-up incidents are linked to the custom of the dowry system that has turned the very concept of marriage–a pure attachment between a husband and a wife–into a transaction, with no value placed whatsoever on the bride or the relationship of the husband and wife. â€Å"For this man or his family woman becomes the ticket to his shortcut richness through the system of dowry. † The groom side of the family often uses the prospect of a son's marriage to full fill all the series in terms of articles that they cannot afford on their own.Women are increasingly seen as commodities and are vulnerable to being treated as replaceable objects because when the flow of dowry ends, they are in a shaky position that can lead to disapproval, cruelty, and finally, dowry-murder. â€Å"The driving force behind this process is the growth of the cash-based economy, which has commercialese dowry and further lowered the status of women despite new laws and educational opportunities designed to assist them. Although a dowry system is illegal in India, it entities to flourish putting lives of many wo men in danger simply because there is no limitation to human greed. Nowadays dowry is regarded, by those who demand it, as reflection of the social status of the bridegroom's family.. Thus, the more eligible the bridegroom is in terms of social standing, the wealth, the educational and career- related achievements, and so forth the larger the dowry that his family has the right to demand and receive.These marriages built upon greed–and not upon love, as it should be–brings only disaster in which only women face. The desire for more never ends once the person has been bitten by dowry bite and as a result when the bride's family cannot pay the amount commanded by the in-laws, the bride is often then burned alive as a consequence. Furthermore, the emergence of consumerism has made it attractive for prospective bridegrooms and their families to use the dowry as a means of enriching themselves at the time of marriage by demanding expensive presents from the parents of the p rospective bride.The desire for continuing to benefit materially from the parents of the bride can take the form of pressuring the parents of young women do not hesitate to the evil custom of dowry. Since it has become very problematic for family with a daughter who is highly educated to find an eligible educated groom due to the pressure that a girl is required to marry a husband above her in terms of education. And it is considered a shameful act to marry a man with a less education.Thus, the daughters' parents are ready to pay a handsome amount of dowry. Geraldine Forbes, and other scholars also point out that, in relatively recent times, rising consumerism and the increasing trend to equate social status with material objects has made it attractive for prospective bridegrooms ND their families to use the dowry as a means of enriching themselves at the time of marriage by demanding expensive presents from the parents of the prospective bride.The desire for continuing to benefit m aterially from the parents of the bride can take the form of pressuring the bride and her family for more dowries even after marriage. (G. Forbes) To halt the practice of bride burning, a change in the perception of women's status is essential. It can be brought about by increase in the education and the equal opportunities for women. The hard earned money saved up or dowries should rather be invested in the betterment of their daughters' future so that they can become and remain economically independent from their husbands or their natal families.In addition shelter homes should be constructed for victims of dowry-related violence since many women are dependent to their husbands and have no place to go. Further more, the media should use it' power to publicize the problems caused by dowry and dowry-related crimes. I. E. Asia & Intel L. 277 (2008) Dowry Deaths (bride burning) in India and Abutment of Suicide: A Socio-Legal Appraisal; Madman, Unaligned

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Access to Law - Smart Custom Writing Samples

Access to Law - Smart Custom Writing Functions of Administrative Law and its role in Public AdministrationAdministrative law is the branch of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government that are involved in the daily functions of the states activities. Some of these government agency actions include making rules, arbitration, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory plan. Generally, administrative law is a branch of public law. The administrative law integrates several different areas of law of which some of them are regulations and procedures of government bodies and agencies, administrative rules, enforcement of powers of government agency authority, and restriction of access to government information. The administrative law gives special importance to the powers vested in administrative agencies, the legal relationships of such agencies, the public at large and to other government agencies as well, and the substantive rules made by these agencies too. It enshrines the laws and legal pr inciples that govern the regulation of government agencies and administration whose powers are delegated by Congress. These agencies may be state or Federal agencies, and administrative law therefore comes in to act as a representative for the executive. Overall, the administrative agencies are created for the purpose of protecting the public interest rather than vindicating private rights. The creation of state and Federal agencies under administrative law goes back to the 1900s when the Food and Drugs Act was signed into law leading to the subsequent formation of the Food and Drugs Administration, also known as the FDA late in the 1930s. The creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, sometimes commonly referred to as The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA or USEPA, came into being in the late 1970s. These agencies are under the jurisdiction of the Federal government and they are tasked with the respective responsibilities governed by the administrative law. However, these Federal agencies are not autonomous of the U.S. Congress, but are rather governed by the U.S. Congress, which is the overall law-making body in the land. Any by-laws made by these Federal agencies that are inconsistent with the U.S. constitution are deemed as going against the law; hence, they are revised to be within the law. The FDA, created in the early thirties, came about because of the pressure mounted by consumer protection organizations, journalists and other federal regulators that pushed for a stronger regulatory authority. They went ahead to publish a list of harmful products that had been passed as fit under the 1906 law. This law extensively increased the federal regulatory authority on drugs and food substances. The FDA also enforces other laws that are concerned with health and sanitation, and among these laws are the Public Health Act, the Federal Anti-tampering Act, and the Controlled Substances Act among others. The Law mandates a pre-market review of all new drugs’ safety in addition to banning all ‘unsafe’ products (Karki, 2005). It also authorizes factory inspections and extended enforcement powers in order to set best regulatory standards for foods and cosmetics in order to ensure the safety of the citizens. The major areas that FDA is involved in include new drugs , advertising and promotion of prescription drugs, generic and over-the-counter drugs, vaccines, blood tissue products and biotechnology, cosmetics, radiation-emitting devices, and veterinary products (Hilts, 2003). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is Federal Government agency mandated with the responsibility of protecting human health and the environment alike. It is directly under the authority of the White House. This is accomplished by enforcing written regulations on the environmental conservation policies based n the Congress-passed laws. Some of the tasks that it is charged with are prevention and detection of environmental degradation actions, educating the public on environmental enforcement, and setting and monitoring the pollution standards, be they air or water pollution arising from the dumping of harmful waste materials and chemicals. Some of the major areas that EPA is involved in include pesticide control. Here, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is taken into account. Other areas are promoting the use of safer detergents that would minimize pollution effects, improving the air quality, reduction of oil pollution, encouraging water efficiency and ensuring that drinking water is safe for consumption by the citizens. Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions are also dealt with by EPA. As detailed above, these agencies appear to be very helpful in the administration of laws and Acts as set by the Congress. Although they do not operate independently of the Congress, they operate ‘on behalf’ of the Congress by enforcing the set laws and regulations at the grassroots level. These agencies are most effective because they come into direct contact with the citizens and the products, and hence they are in a very good position to enforce the laws accordingly. In this century where there is a great revolution in the manufacturing industry, the introduction of new technology and improvement of lifestyles, there is a great need for the checks and balances to be enforced, and no better way than through these federal and state agencies. Hence these agencies come in and play a vital role in the enforcing of these checks and balances according to the U.S. laws enacted by congress. This way, the people are better protected from any potential harmful products and the e nvironment is protected from degradation by encouragement of proper waste disposal and management. As a conclusion, it can be said that these federal agencies are very crucial and necessary in this century where development is on the increase, and they serve to ensure people make the right choices by being given the right options.      References Hilts, P. J. (2003). Protecting America's Health: The FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation. New York: Alfred E. Knopf. Karki, L. (2005). Review of FDA Law Related to Pharmaceuticals: The Hatch-Waxman Act, Regulatory Amendments and Implications for Drug Patent Enforcement. Journal of the Patent Trademark Office Society 87: 602–620.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Temporal Lobes in the Cerebral Cortex

Temporal Lobes in the Cerebral Cortex Temporal Lobes The temporal lobes are one of the four main lobes or regions of the cerebral cortex. They are located in the largest division of the brain known as the forebrain (prosencephalon). As with the three other brain lobes (frontal,  occipital, and parietal), there is one temporal lobe located in each brain hemisphere. The temporal lobes play an important role in organizing sensory input, auditory perception, language and speech production, as well as memory association and formation. Structures of the limbic system, including the olfactory cortex, amygdala, and the hippocampus are located within the temporal lobes. Damage to this area of the brain can result in problems with memory, understanding language, and maintaining emotional control. Function The temporal lobes are involved in several functions of the body including: Auditory PerceptionMemorySpeechLanguage ComprehensionEmotional ResponsesVisual PerceptionFacial Recognition Limbic system structures of the temporal lobe are responsible for regulating many of our emotions, as well as forming and processing memories. The amygdala controls many of the autonomic responses associated with fear. It regulates our fight or flight response, as well as helps us develop a healthy sense of fear through fear conditioning. The amygdala receives sensory information from the thalamus and other areas of the cerebral cortex.  In addition, the olfactory cortex is located in the temporal lobe. As such, the temporal lobes are involved in organizing and processing sensory information. Another limbic system structure, the hippocampus, aids in memory formation and connecting our emotions and senses, such as smell and sound, to memories. The temporal lobe aids in auditory processing and the perception of sound. They are also vital to language comprehension and speech. An area of the brain called Wernickes Area is found in the temporal lobes. This area helps us to process words and understand spoken language. Location Directionally, the temporal lobes are anterior to the occipital lobes and inferior to the frontal lobes and parietal lobes. A  large deep groove known as the Fissure of Sylvius separates the parietal and temporal lobes. Temporal Lobes: Damage Damage to the temporal lobes can present a number of issues. Damage resulting from a stroke or seizure can produce an inability to understand language or to speak properly. An individual may have difficulty hearing or perceiving sound. Temporal lobe damage may also result in the development of anxiety disorders, impaired memory formation, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations. In some cases, patients may even develop a condition called Capgras Delusion,  which is the belief that people, often loved ones, are not who they appear to be.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Patagonia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patagonia - Case Study Example The CEO asserted that "the most important part of the mission statement was to provide and implement solutions to the environmental crisis." The assertion was important since the business relied on the environment. It was, therefore, not only a show of social responsibility but also to ensure sustainability of the business itself. It was also a show that the business was giving back to the community through a more comprehensive focus.It emphasizes quality through ensuring that the core users have products that are functional, simple and multifunctional. For example, it developed a ski jacket that could be used during boat sailing and winter rainstorms. The models were also improved to ensure that the products have distinct functions and are more reliable. For example, the products went through a field- test to determine its functionality, performance, fabric, performance and design before being released on the market. On environmental impacts, it was committed to ensure its products have least environmental impacts possible. For example, it ensured that the dye used for its products was a less negative impact on the environment, and the packaging was also reduced. It also engaged in the production of its organic cotton to prevent the conventionally grown cotton environmental impacts. On innovation, it invested $3 million each year to promote development and research.It ensured that its suppliers meet its standards of environmental and social responsibility and quality.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership & Professional Development Term Paper

Leadership & Professional Development - Term Paper Example Additionally, I am currently pursuing an advance qualification so it really becomes difficult to balance timings between family, friends, business and studies. According to John (2007), life truly becomes hectic if it is not scheduled in an appropriate manner, and from the current proceedings, I believe one point where I am lacking is time management, and this essay aims at my plan for developing my skill set towards overcoming this weakness. Barth (2005) states that time has an ‘irreversible’ aspect or feature associated with it, and at the same time, it cannot be substituted, nor can it be brought back. Leaders are more booked for time than any other individual as they tend to have more concerned parties demanding their respective time. Subsequently, leaders often realize that 24 hours is a very less sum of hours in a day and there is a lot more that is to be done. Subsequently, time management skills gain extreme importance for leaders in scenarios whereby tasks are more and time is less; leaders, like any other individual, cannot stop time nor can they reduce the speed of it, and neither can they enhance the pace of it. Therefore, effective time management is critical in today’s world for leaders. An extreme example of attaining efficacy is that often leaders give more time to ‘time management’ rather than managing the time; they would give more time to creation of priority lists, exc el sheets, coding tasks with various colors and so on. This, though enhances the effectiveness of managing time, but at the same time it also takes a lot of time in developing such documentation; leading to individuals realizing that wasting time without such hassle is better than doing so with it. Leadership gains success by means of aspiration and inspiration as stated by Kousez (2003); if a leader cannot manage the time well, then a similar expectation cannot be laid towards the followers of the same. This inspirational trait,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Food Truck Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Food Truck Business Plan - Assignment Example intends to expand its operations and purchase a second wagon to operate in different regions. The company also plans to do a considerable expanse of sales through cookery, delivery of arepas, and having the wagon located near and in military bases, port of savannah during weekends and local festivals. An estimate of ? of the total sales revenue is expected to come from these truck operations. In order to avoid and reduce inventory spoilage, the company plans to offer delivery services of food and beverages to third party cafes, restaurants and other food serving points for the period of intemperate conditions. Arepa Food Truck will stay true to its name by offering different arepa varieties. The hallmark of the unique style of the organization is the combination of arepa with cheese, avocado, jam, egg, and jelly. The different varieties offered by the company include the basic grilled arepas (arepa Valluna), arepa de queso, arepa Choclo (with cheese), arepa de huevo (with egg), and a repas rellenas (sandwich arepas). 2: Market Feasibility Currently, the United States economy is still recovering from the 2010 economic recession. Though this recession affected many businesses, Arepa Truck Food Inc. is anticipated to make profits. The company will sustain its profitability from the high sales margins from the sale of its products. Moreover, the business is mobile and can be shifted to regions where it can make considerable sales. Presently, there are no high quality, Latin American cuisines being offered in both Savannah and Beaufort. Arepas Truck Food Inc. will offer freshly prepared arepas with a diverse organic menu that will permit the patrons to customize their arepas as according to their preferences. Every customer order will be expected to take not more than three minutes. One of the significant concerns for the business is how to price its products affordably during seasons of thorns of oil prices (Martins, 2013). The food and beverage retail industry has experienced an enthusiastic level of growth over the past few years. The United States Economic Census indicates that there are more than 22 cafeterias, mobile food services and specialty restaurants in Savannah and Beaufort. This number is, however, anticipated to augment over the next few years. Additionally, this industry seems to experience a 10% increase in sales per year. Reports also indicate that the food and beverage industry is worth more than 30 million US dollars and experiences an average sales income of 21 million US dollars annually (Elmore, 2010). 3: Market Size Statistics indicate that there are currently more than 250, 000 people living in both Savannah and Beaufort. There are approximately five military bases in both areas with a population of approximately 10, 000 people. Furthermore, the port of Savannah has an approximate of 4, 000 people in a day. On the other hand, the local festivities such as the St. Patric’s Day celebrations, Home Water Festival, an d the Shrimp Festival attract more than 5, 000 tourists per year (Elmore, 2010). These are the company’s principal target market segments. The average income of residents in both areas is estimated to be between 6, 000$ to 10, 000$. On the other hand, it is estimated that tourists spend more than 3 million US dollars during the festivities. The positions and locations of the food trucks to make stops were selected based on the amount of food vendors that those regions receive and the number of prospective patrons in the regions. Savannah and Beau

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Inventory Management System

The Inventory Management System When a business stocks materials and goods they sell, they are procedures that are put in place to handle how goods are received, stored and delivered, with this process been known as inventory management. Inventory is a physical resource that a business holds in their stock with the intention of selling it or transforming it into a more valuable state. The inventory could range from raw materials, finished goods, works in process or maintenance, repair and operation (MRO). The main concept of inventory control is focusing on the process of movements and accountability of inventory. This concept strictly bases on the principle of physical and cycle counting, physical and systematic movement of materials and, good accounting practices. In business management, inventory consists of a list of goods and materials held available in stock. Inventory management is the process of specifying the placement and size of the stocked goods within a business whereby the inventory is to be managed at different locations or levels within a facility or within multiple different locations of a supply network to safe guard production against overstocking or running out of goods. Inventory management could as be defined as managing inventory with the primary objective been determining and controlling stock levels within the facility to balance the need for product availability against the need for minimizing stock holding and handling costs. 2.3 Management System A management system is an information system that is used by a business to ensure they can manage and fulfill their tasks through a framework of procedures and processes. Typical management systems are used to maintain data within an organization as well as ensuring data is shared accurately, or for the management of services or products offered. A management system could also be defined as the integration of traditional management methods with a computer system to create a tool for strategic and automated information management. 2.4 Inventory Management System An inventory management system is usually used to automate a sales order fulfilment process. These types of system are designed containing a structure whereby it contains lists of orders to be fulfilled then prompts the sales employees to select the desired items and mark them packaging and shipping information. Modern inventory management system serve the purpose of keeping tracks of inventory objects whereby the system relies on barcodes or RFID tags to uniquely identify the object. When recording a transaction, the system automatically identifies the inventory object by scanning the barcode or RFID tag, and then additional transaction information is collected from the operator via work terminal which could be a workstation or mobile computer. The features of an inventory management system such as physical inventory counting and cycle counting can enhance an organization. With the availability of various kinds of inventory systems, in the current environment the size of a business is not a concern because there are various kinds of systems to suit any business. Figure 1: Basic Structure of an Inventory Management System 2.5 Management System Classification 2.5.1 Network Inventory Management System Real time inventory management system: use wireless, mobile terminals to record inventory transactions, the moment the transaction is processed. Transaction information is transmitted via wireless LAN to a central database. 2.5.2 Stand Alone Inventory Management System Stand alone inventory systems are usually employed by small size or medium sized businesses. These kind of systems work offline and are not connected to other systems. Stand alone systems are usually used to store Customer data and inventory, usually all stored on one local database. For example for small businesses like convenience stores and shoe stores, it could be an expensive business option to purchase and use an expensive electronic inventory management system hence a standalone application could be the nearest option to the manual system since it automates the basic functions of inventory management. It would not make sense a small business located in one location implementing a web based or network based inventory system when they only sale inventory locally. These kinds of systems are not suitable for large sized business in manufacturing or production with a study in 1996 by the International Mass Retail Association (IMRA), for example, concluding that stand alone manageme nt system packages acquired to perform individual functions will soon become obsolete because they do not integrate well with other systems. 2.5.3 Web Based Inventory Management System Web based systems are web applications that can be accessed from any computer with a web browser but without any physical application installed on the local computer. In inventory management systems, a web based application can be a smart move for businesses because it offers the benefits of secure storage, sharing files and accessibility which make managing your data with other hosted applications a smart strategy. A web application is an application delivered to users from a web server over a network such as the internet or an intranet. A reason for the popularity of web based applications is due to the functionality of the web browser as a client, sometimes called a thin client. When choosing inventory management applications, the ability of a web based application to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially a numerous number of clients is another reason why these kinds of system are becoming much favored by users. A key strategy that is been capitalized on by software companies is to provide web access to applications that are been distributed as local applications whereby these programs allow the user to pay a monthly or yearly fee for use of the application without having to install it on a local hard drive. Software companies that are following this strategy are known as an application service provider (ASP), and ASPs are currently receiving much attention in the software industry. The main concepts behind web based application is to centralize information hence by using databases to store data like consumer information, salespeople can update a clients address and the update will instantaneously be available to all users throughout the organization. Too many small and medium-sized businesses suffer from de-centralized information because they implement stand alone applications which are not a logical way of centralizing information. 2.6 Current Based Inventory Management System 2.6.1 Silver Inventory System Silver Inventory System is very popular software throughout the world, particularly with small to medium sized businesses requiring a mid-range, inexpensive standalone inventory software with a good range of features. Silver Inventory System is a complete inexpensive system for management of sales, purchases and payments. This system will help you in creation invoices, sale orders, purchase orders, receiving lists, payment receipts, product labels with bar codes and any kinds of the reports for monitoring your business. Inventory System allows the control of customer balances and vendor balances. Figure 2: Screenshot of Silver Inventory Management System 2.6.2 Golden Inventory System Golden Inventory system is integrated with QuickBooks and is able to track Purchases, Sales, Work Orders and payments. This is a complete inventory management system that performs the functions of Purchases, Sales and payments. The system guides you through the creation of vendors list, purchase orders, products list, receiving lists, sales orders, invoices, sales and payment receipts. In addition to product labels with barcodes, work orders for creation inventory assemblies, transfer orders between locations, customers and vendors balances and various types of reports for monitoring your business, it also supports XML synchronization with remote locations. Golden Inventory system works with MS SQL Server 2000, MSDE and desktop database files. Golden Inventory system works as a single application or as a client server system and as a distribution database system. You will be able to work with remote outlets and warehouses even without a reliable connection between them. The system us es unique data exchange technology in XML format that allows quickly processing orders and synchronizing information with all your branches. Figure 3: Screenshot of Golden Inventory System Features Golden Inventory Silver Inventory User interface Easy to understand interface that can be used without need for training. Application offers a simple to use interface, that could be used to perform tasks without the need of training Warehouse support Application can be integrated to support multiple warehouses for one company Support for warehouse is only limited to one warehouse for one company Point of Sale System has a point of sale panel where a sales transaction can be performed in real time Does not provide functionality for Point of Sales Security Users access functions can be limited depending on access level or role Secure security prevents unauthorized access from outsiders. Integration Supports a multi user environment Supports a multi user environment Inbound logistics Systems allow ordering for manufacturing operations. It also supports payments for ordered products and purchase orders at the same time reserving inventory for sales orders This system allows conducting payments for obtained products and for ordered products in the purchase orders. It supports the partial payments and payment under several orders or receiving lists. The payments arriving from sold products are similarly ensured. Other features Inventory reservations for Sale orders Work orders for manufacture operations Screen customization support Export reports in Excel files Compare and Comparison of Golden Inventory system and Silver Inventory System When comparing the inventory systems there certain features that feature in both systems and there some features that are absent in the other system. One of the key differences between the two systems is that Golden Inventory system supports multiple warehouses for a company meaning the system could be integrated between all warehouses as one system whereas the downside to Silver inventory is that it can only be integrated to one warehouse. A similarity between the two is that both can support multiple companies. In terms of size and functionality, Golden Inventory system is much superior to Silver Inventory system. Both systems offer the basic concepts of inventory management systems that is, invoicing, sales orders which is fulfilled by business, purchasing which would be the inbound inventory, barcode scanning whereby the inventory object is automatically identified before it is processed. Depending on the size of the business, Golden Inventory system is most suited for a large size business that could be in the field of manufacturing, stock supply or production and Silver Inventory is best suited for small to medium sized business because of the limited functionalities. Some of the key features that make Golden Inventory superior to Silver Inventory system are that Golden Inventory system can offer a Point of Sale Option whereby a transaction could be processed at a terminal and the inventory status is updated in real time. Golden inventory system can support reports from Microsoft Excel which means it can be integrated with other systems that could be run by a business. The Golden Inventory System has a feature to manage work orders for manufactures and the screen and work permissions by user meaning the added security whereby the access granted to each user can be defined exactly depending on their level of authority minimizing unauthorized access to functions and data not related to that user. REFERRENCES Silver Inventory System Software Informer: Screenshots